Wednesday, November 24, 2010

DISGUSTING experiences in finding a new doctor....

     From the time I was born, untill I was 20 years old, I had the same Doctor.  She is the person who delivered me at birth.  She was friendly, caring, proactive, and always asked the right questions.  And then one day, she announced that she was closing her family practice, and working in the Oncology clinic at the hospital.  Lame Sauce.  She was kind enough to provide us with a list of Doctors accepting new patients, some of their beliefs, and their contact info. 
    So the whole family of us got a new doctor.  Another lady.  Not quite as wonderful, but just as good as we needed her to be.  She was personable, and always had our well-being in mind.  And then one day, she announced that she was overworked and was taking time off to work in a clinic.  Sounds familiar.
   I needed to see a doctor a few times, and was always able to access one at the Shelbourne Medical Centre at Shelbourne and North Dairy.  Their staff and doctors are always polite, helpful, and caring.  I love them.  

     So we hunted and searched, and got onto a wait list for the only other female doctor who was accepting patients.  She forwarded a bunch of paperwork, and asked us to fill it out an bring it to the first appointment. 

So here's where it gets weird...

     The paper work, was so terribly copied that it was almost illegible, and the information was poorly organized.  I couldn't believe that this was the paper she was using to advertise her practice. 

     The 'contract' of her 'terms' of 'care'  involved this sentence, "I will not prescribe narcotics."  Really?  A whole classification of drugs is ruled out of her treatment/care options?   I could see if it was "I will not support abortion,"  because there are some deeper values involved there, but Narcotics?  Isn't it a little juvennile to rule out options that may help patients?  Now, don't get me wrong, I can't even take narcotics, so it made no difference to me, but the idea that she was so stringent rubbed me the wrong way a bit.   If she had a patient who wanted to get off heroin, would she deny him methadone? What if my sister broke her ankle, would she be denied Tylenol #3?

     When I arrived on-time at the office, I sat for 20 minutes, before being taken to the exam room, to wait another 10.  I hate it when people give you a scheduled time, and then waste your time anyways.

     This is where it gets good.... I walked behind the MOA (medical office assistant) to the exam room.  As she opened the door, I almost vomitted.  There, on the exam bed/table, was a HUGE puddle of DISGUSTING yellowish-whitish-bloodish GROSSNESS.   It was clearly soaking through the paper, onto the mattress below.  UGH!  I verbally acknowledged my disgust, and the MOA simply tore off the paper, threw it out, and pulled a new sheet out.  She said "The doctor will be with you in a moment."
     I just about screamed as I realized that she was closing the door and going back to her desk, while leaving me in the room with the filthy bed, which was now soaking through the new paper. 
     I should have left at this point. 
     Finally, after convincing myself that I need a family doctor for ten minutes, She walked in.....and get this....tossed my file onto to moistness on the bed.  AAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!  Gross!
     She asked me some questions about what drugs I have taken, and I explained that I am on an anxiety controlling drug, that I have been on for about 2 years, and was the first drug to work for me after years and years of trying different meds.  And then.....  She tells me that when I run out of my prescription, I will need to make an appointment for her to re-assess me, as she will not continue my prescription, until she makes her own diagnosis.  Seriously?  After 10 years of trying to find the right med, I have to go through it again?
     Then she asks me about my family history.  I explain to her that I have never had any contact with my sperm donor, and am unaware of that side, and that my mother and I have no contact with her family, so I have no info about that side either.  "You mean you don't know your father? Not his medical history? How do you mean? Are his parents healthy? Aunts, Uncles? Cousins?"  I am sure I gave her a most disapproving look, while I explained, again, the sensitive subject of my paternal genetics.  And then, despite what I already said about both sides of the family being estranged, she then grilled me about my mothers side.  All the while writing notes in my file, which was sitting in the moistness on the bed.   EWWW. 
    As I left the office, I knew this would not be a good fit, based on the cleanliness issue alone.  I asked the MOA for my paperwork back, one of which was the request signed by me, to have my file sent over from the old doctor.  THEY REFUSED!
    Knowing, that if i did not leave, I would soon have the MOA on the floor beating the life out of her, I left.  I slammed the door behind me.   The icing on the cake was that five minutes later, the MOA called my cellphone to ask me if I was ok.  Umm....NO NOT OKAY.  And I screamed at her to shred those papers, or I would be in touch with the College of Physicians. 
I had to pay an additional fee to have my file 'locked' at my old Doctor's office, just to avoid having the dirty practice get their hands on it. 

I will not publish the dirty doctors name, but let it be known, she is one of only two female doctors accepting patients in Victoria, and the two of them both work in the same practice. 

I will publicly acknowledge the 'North Dairy Clinc' as I call it, as being wonderful medical care providers, and always accessible, friendly and courteous.  I will continue to receive care from them until I find a new Doctor. 

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